End of Session Report May 2022

It was an absolute honor to serve as your representative in the Vermont House. With my appointment by Governor Scott on January 18, 2022, I began my work in the second half of the biennium and began learning to legislate in the people’s house. I often used the analogy of being at the end of a firehose of information during the first few weeks in Montpelier, but I found my rhythm within a few weeks. I was assigned to the Human Services Committee and participated in the Women’s Caucus and the Social Equity Caucus. Although many priorities were set at the beginning of the session, I had many opportunities to learn from experts, dive into policy, and listen to Vermonter’s experiences.

The General Assembly is adjourned until the 2023-2024 biennium in January 2023. I will be active this summer and fall, meeting with constituents, attending events, and conducting research for legislation to introduce next year. If elected, it will be my honor to return to Montpelier in January to continue to work hard on your behalf.

Legislative Highlights

Amending Vermont’s Constitution Related to Slavery

Proposal 2 would amend Article 1, Chapter 1 of the Vermont Constitution, replacing this original section with language stating plainly that “slavery and indentured servitude in any form are prohibited.”

Reproductive Liberty as a Constitutional Right

This session, after a four-year, deliberate and inclusive legislative process, the House passed Proposal 5 by an overwhelming majority. If ratified by the voters in November, Proposal 5 will enshrine reproductive liberty into our state’s constitution, ensuring that these rights are preserved for future generations

Establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commission

H.96 creates a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to research and investigate systemic discrimination caused or permitted by state laws and policies, and to propose action to the Legislature or governor to remedy the impacts on affected communities.

Supporting Vermont Families with a Child Tax Credit

Building on the success of the federal CTC, H.510 creates a new Vermont Child Tax Credit. It will give $1,000 per year to parents and guardians for every qualifying child five years of age or younger. The bill increases the Child and Dependent Care Credit to 72 percent of federal CDCC and increases our Vermont Earned Income Tax Credit to 38% of federal EITC — making us the highest state EITC in the country.


H.464 REACH UP – This legislation updates our Reach-Up Program, we made progress to help low-income families set and achieve goals that lead to greater stability and economic mobility. S.91 Parent Child Center This law reforms our Parent Child Center Network, enabling centers to more effectively provide services such as childcare, parent support groups, and referrals to community resources.

H.265 Office of the Child, Youth, and Family Advocate – This legislation establishes the Office of Child Youth and Family Advocate, creating a new and overarching resource supporting at-risk children, youth, and families while making future recommendations to the legislature for best policy practices.

H.720 Supports for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities – This law increases the options of places where people with developmental disabilities can live while still receiving quality services.

S.74 Vermont’s Patient Choice at End of Life – This legislation gives terminally ill Vermonters more control over their final days by removing unnecessary impediments to our death with dignity law. This bill allows for the necessary doctor visits to take place via teleheath, preventing the burden of painful physical travel. It also removes the 48-hour waiting period currently in place between the final physician visit and when the doctor can submit the needed prescription, shortening an agonizing wait for the terminally ill.

H.628 Amending a Birth Certificate to Reflect Gender Identity – This bill makes it easier for Vermonters to amend their birth certificates to reflect their gender identity.

H.711 Opioid Settlement Advisory Committee and the Opioid Abatement Special Fund – This legislation ensures that funding decisions using opioid settlement dollars are informed by a broad range of experts, including the perspectives of Vermonters who have been directly impacted by the opioid crisis.

H.728 Opioid Overdose Response Services – This law creates a path forward to expand the availability of life-saving services for people at risk of fatal overdose from opioids. While a lot of progress was made this year, there is still much more work to do.


Vermont has experienced a housing and workforce crisis that was exasperated by the pandemic. This year, we were able to pass significant legislation that addresses both issues:

Expanding Safe and Affordable Housing

Given Vermont’s critical housing needs, bolstering our housing stock is a top priority. Through federal COVID relief funds, over $42 million was earmarked this year in S.210 and S. 226 to help Vermont renters and homeowners. With this funding, we were able to:

  • Dedicate $20 million toward forgivable loans to property owners to bring rental properties not up to code back online, plus incentivize the construction of new Accessory Dwelling Units to expand Vermont’s rental housing stock.
  • Direct $22 million to subsidize new construction to lower costs for middle-income homebuyers, plus $1 million to the Vermont Housing Finance Agency (VHFA) for down payment grants for first-generation homebuyers. Repair and improvement grants will also be available for manufactured homes.
  • Reform zoning laws, expand tax credits and create pilot projects to encourage denser development and more vibrant town centers.
  • Create an Advisory Land Access Board, composed of representatives of groups that have faced historic discrimination in land and homeownership.
  • Extend additional protections from discrimination and harassment for renters and homebuyers.
  • Create a statewide contractor registry to protect against consumer fraud in residential construction projects with a value of over $10,000.
  • Use federal relief money to increase the capacity of the Department of Fire Safety to conduct rental inspections.


In total, $113.5 million is appropriated using ARPA, General, and Education Funds to achieve these goals. A few highlights include:

  • Forgivable loans for businesses ($19 million)
  • Support for creative economy ($9 million)
  • Nursing and healthcare ($12.5 million)
  • Support for trades ($4.5 million)
  • COVID paid family leave ($15.18 million)
  • Unemployment insurance ($8 million)
  • Encourage new Vermonters ($5.93 million)
  • Community recovery and revitalization grant program ($10 million)
  • Downtown and village tax credit ($2.45 million)
  • Continuation of the Everyone Eats program ($1.3 million)

Link to End of Session Report:


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